Rocks stacked up balancing


We are all constantly seeking balance, it’s human nature, yet imbalance tends to be our way of life. There is a lot of talk in the corporate world about work/life balance, but few organizations provide a culture that supports it. There is a lot of talk in general about work/life balance, but few of us make choices that get us there.

Do you “Live to work or work to live?” Will you get to the end and say, “I wish I spent more time at work” or “I wish I spent more time with the people that mattered doing the things that mattered”? This isn’t to suggest work doesn’t matter, but that many of us give a disproportionate amount of energy to work, leaving little energy for ourselves and loved ones. Usually with good intentions of making the shift “when….”, only to find the “when” never comes, it just gets pushed further out after the next deadline.

Days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years and as we are busy working; the kids grow up, friends drift, we stop doing what we love or even taking care of ourselves, marriages or partnerships suffer and sometimes death sneaks in and takes loved ones from us before we are ready.

 As we begin 2019, I encourage you to pause and think about what’s important, make this the year you commit to conserve some of that energy to take care of you and the people in your life that mean the most. This will look different for each of us, so take the time to explore what it means to you.

Enjoy the present moments, enjoy family and friends and continue to seek your center to assist in maintaining inner balance as you move through life’s constant imbalance.

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