Sue Stock

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"Leadership is empowering others
to be all they can be."

Hello I am Sue!

Sue’s approach to coaching  is to pause, step back, reflect, turn off the noise, focus on meaning, and deepen self-awareness. As a result clients more effectively meet their goals and see significant improvement.

Sue’s lifelong interest in self-awareness, human dynamics, and a curiosity around how our brains work, led her to continue her education in Executive, and Neuroscience based Coaching. She is a certified Neuro-Transformational coach and an ICF certified coach. She holds certifications in EQi, EQ-360, and Shift Positive 360. Sue has been coaching Minneapolis executives for years and enjoys supporting others on their unique journey of growth to live life to their full potential.


Sue is an experienced and respected leader and entrepreneur. Sue has an extensive background in the Design and Construction industry, Executive Coaching, and small business management.

Prior to coaching Sue started and ran a small business, for over 20 years, which built a reputation for assembling and leading strong teams to successfully design and build large complex hospital projects. The ability to create collaborative cultures of trust, lead with strong self-awareness, and balance wisdom with compassion is not only her unique strength but her passion.   

Coaching Training


“Sue’s experience as a long-time business owner gives her credibility as a coach. Her personal work toward deeper self-awareness is evident in her leadership, her coaching, and her ability to connect and build meaningful relationships. She is a good listener and presents new perspectives that open opportunities for growth. She has brought value to our team over the many decades we have worked together.”

Healthcare Leader

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Road to Character

by David Brooks

More information coming soon.

The 5 Languages in the Workplace

by Gary Chapman and Paul White

More information coming soon.

Women Don't Ask

by Linda Babcock

More information coming soon.

The E Myth Revisited

by Michael E. Gerber

More information coming soon.

The Speed of Trust

by Stephen M.R. Covey

More information coming soon.

The Moment of Lift

by Melinda Gates

As Melinda Gates has traveled around the world the one thing she has found to be true is “If you want to lift a society up, you need to stop keeping women down.” Her book talks about the research and the many ways to lift women up, and the direct impact it has on the society they live in. Providing them with education opportunities, family planning, and jobs is at the core.

The Advantage

by Patrick Lencioni

More information coming soon.

Radical Leap

by Steve Farber

More information coming soon.

Dying for a Paycheck

by Jeffrey Pfeffer

More information coming soon.

Your Body is Your Brain

by Amanda Blake

More information coming soon.

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers

by Robert Sapolsky

I think the author, Robert Sapolsky, sums up this book best in the following,

“… if you are (a) zebra running for your life, or (a) lion sprinting for your meal, your body’s physiological response mechanisms are superbly adapted for dealing with such short-term physical emergencies. For the vast majority of beasts on this planet, stress is about a short-term crisis, after which it’s either over with or you’re over with. When we sit around and worry about stressful things, we turn on the same physiological response – but they are potentially a disaster when provoked chronically. A large body of evidence suggests that stress-related disease emerges, predominantly, out of the fact that we so often activate a physiological system that has evolved for responding to acute physical emergencies, but we turn it on for months on end, worrying about mortgages, relationships, and promotions.”

Wired for Love

by Stan Tatkin

Understanding each other in a romantic relationship can sometimes be challenging. This book looks at how we are each wired for love differently, respond to conflict differently, and have different needs and attachment styles. The book presents guiding principles to improve your relationship.

Why We Sleep

by Matthew Walker

I was so struck by the power of sleep and the lack of it we get, that I decided to add this book to my recommended book list. To summarize Walker’s book, I offer some interesting points:

  • The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life span.
  • Sleep is the most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day.
  • Humans need consistently more than 7 hours of sleep per night to maintain cognitive performance. Chronic sleep loss is linked to Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, strokes, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, infertility, weight management difficulties and immune deficiency.
  • We cannot “sleep back” lost sleep by binge sleeping on the weekends or on vacation.
  • REM sleep fuels creativity, alcohol suppresses REM sleep.
  • Factors that impact a good night sleep include lighting (turn down the lights in the evening), temperature (turn down the temperature for better sleep), electronic devices (don’t use prior to bedtime), alcohol and caffeine (both sleep disruptors).
  • Extreme sleep deprivation cognitively impairs the brain similarly to being legally drunk.

The Tao of Pooh

by Benjamin Hoff

One of my favorite memories as a child was my dad reading Winnie the Pooh to me. So, it is not surprising that I love this book. The best way I can describe this book is a sentence from the forward, “It’s about how to stay happy and calm under all circumstances.” The back sums it up simply, “While Eeyore frets… and Piglet hesitates… and Rabit calculates …and Owl pontificates …Pooh just is.” I have often said it is one of the best Leadership books out there.

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse

by Charlie Mackesy

The boy, the mole, the fox, and the horse bring together different perspectives, fears, and challenges. Together they teach each other, comfort each other, and open space in their hearts for each other. The story is simple, the drawings are lovely, and the metaphor for all life is spot on.

Tea and Cake with Demons

by Adreanna Limbach

We all have them, those pesky demons, why not invite them to tea and get to know them in lieu of trying to ignore or push them away. In this lighthearted, easy read, the author supports facing our demons and offers practical ways to shift the story line we live by.


by Susan Cain

“The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking.” As an introvert I found Susan Cain’s book affirming. The extrovert may seek the attention; however, many introverts have made profound changes in society throughout history. Empower the introvert in your life to quietly be all she/he can be.


by Daniel Siegel

More information coming soon.

Love is Letting Go of Fear

by Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD

Everyone I know who has read this says the same thing, “Life changing”.

More information coming soon.

Life Reimagined

by Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Retired? Thinking of retiring? Afraid to retire? This is a great book to explore our next chapter with confidence. It looks at how to identify our gifts and find new creative ways to use them beyond the job that has defined us for so many years.

Cassandra Speaks

by Elizabeth Lesser

What if women were the storytellers of human history? What if women had an equal role in the creation of our future? Elizabeth Lesser encourages women to honor their voice and men to listen.

Neuroscience of Change

by Kelly McGonigal

More information coming soon.

Clarity and Connection

by Yung Pueblo

If you are familiar with my coaching, my Blogs, or my leadership style you know I believe the base for success in all areas of our life is “Self-Awareness”. Clarity and Connection is all about turning inward and developing deeper self-awareness. It is easy to read, can be used as a daily focus, or as a journal prompt.

Clarity and Connection

by Yung Pueblo

If you are familiar with my coaching, my Blogs, or my leadership style you know I believe the base for success in all areas of our life is “Self-Awareness”. Clarity and Connection is all about turning inward and developing deeper self-awareness. It is easy to read, can be used as a daily focus, or as a journal prompt.