Emotional Intelligence

Sue will work with you to achieve deeper self-awareness. Certified in EQi and EQ-360, Sue will assist you in understanding your baseline emotional intelligence and co-create a development plan to foster continuous growth.

“Sue has helped me become more self-aware.  Understanding my own strengths and insecurities was the first step in becoming a better leader. Sue has taught me the art of self-reflection.  I am now much more thoughtful about taking on new responsibilities. My conversations with Sue helped me balance my personal life with my professional life.  I was able to create a ten-year vision incorporating both which has made my career decisions easy.” 

       Architectural Engineering Firm Principal

“To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.”

Beehive in a log

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is an important component of how we show up in life, interact with others and manage the inevitable challenges life brings us.

Studies show that EQi (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) is a much better predictor of success in the workplace than IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Unlike IQ, which is relatively fixed at an early age, EQ can be developed, and with intention, increases as we mature.

Multi-Health Systems, Inc. defines Emotional Intelligence in the following way.

“Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.”

How Do We Deepen

Self-Awareness is foundational in how we live our lives. Including how we understand and feel about ourselves, how we show up, how we interact with others, how we perform in teams and how we lead.

There is not (unfortunately) a book, an article or a “How to” video online that will make you self-aware and it is not a task on a checklist. Self-awareness is an intentional lifelong exciting journey. As you explore deeper you discover how much more there is to discover.

Self-awareness is not only exploring who we are, but understanding we are different from others. As a result we learn to accept and respect what makes each of us unique in our relationships, both personally and professionally.

water flowing through rocky stream

“A bird in the tree is never afraid of the branch breaking
because it’s trust is not in the branch but in its own wings.”

Interested in Coaching?

I’m here to help! Make the first step to inspired leadership by reaching out today!

Clarity and Connection

If you are familiar with my coaching, my Blogs, or my leadership style you know I believe the base for success in all areas of our life is “Self-Awareness”. Clarity and Connection is all about turning inward and developing deeper self-awareness. It is easy to read, can be used as a daily focus, or as a journal prompt.

Book Title Here

Book description goes here.